Are you planning to manage the sensors too, with a script engine to interact with the output ports?
Support for sensors
If there is some interest I will look into adding support for sensors (Touch, Temp, Light and Rotation). I would also like to add some basic programming functionality like whats available on RCX or NXT so sensors can interact with the output ports - like turn on for x seconds… that type of thing . Thank you for your question! And yes I am very familiar with that site
Ok, thank you.
I follow you project
I’m very interested in getting it to work with sensors - Touch and Rotation would be the most important
as for programming… even just timed loops would be extremely useful in a lot of situations
Run motor A for 10 seconds… Wait 5 seconds… Run motor B for 3 seconds… wait… Run Motor A Reverse for 10 seconds
I’ve got plenty of ideas to automate Lego Cities, with Cranes, Lifts, and all sorts of things!
I also hope to use it with GBC’s that I build!
thanks again for your work so far!
Thanks Rohan for the feedback! Lot’s of GREAT ideas!
Really really nice app! Thanks for keeping that old Lego stuff alive!
Managing the sensors would be awesome and as rbeckett sayed, there would be a lot of situations in Lego cities. Or in the train area, i.e. having moved a track switcher on a railroad track after train passed…